2016 - 2018
Hope, British Columbia
Select: DENT Power projects Power

Project overview

DENT was Prime Contractor for the EPC delivery of the 11 megawatt Run-of-River hydroelectric facility located at Hunter Creek east of Chilliwack, BC. The project consisted of two intake structures, one powerhouse structure, and required the installation of both steel and HDPE penstocks. Both intakes for the project required strategic planning to ensure minimum diversions to Hunter Creek to minimize environmental impacts. The project was delivered in extremely rugged terrain, required precision blasting, and innovative engineering approaches to ensure the stability of the project footprint.

The Hunter Creek facility has survived two 100 year flood events (2017 & 2021) with only minor impacts to the system infrastructure

The project was delivered in the traditional territory of the Shxwowhamel First Nation. Shxwowhamel is co-owner of the plant and continually realizes benefits from the project. DENT’s involvement in the project was the start of a long-term mutually beneficial relationship culminating in a Limited Partnership (Ventures-DENT). Many nation members were employed on the project and continued to work for DENT outside of their territory. The partnership between DENT and Shxwowhamel has gone on to deliver numerous projects in their territory in excess of $60M to date.