For more than 40 years, DENT has actively engaged with Indigenous groups resulting in a celebrated history of
Indigenous collaboration, partnership, and inclusion. DENT leadership continues to
demonstrate a desire to progress reconciliation in action. Since early days, our vision at DENT has illustrated project execution with emphasis on a collaborative approach
to delivery.
DENT recognizes the diversity of Indigenous Peoples who live where we work and operate. We understand that the history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada has had destructive impacts on the social and economic well-being of Indigenous Peoples, and recognize the importance of truth and reconciliation between Indigenous communities and the broader society.
DENT is committed to respectful engagement with Indigenous communities when working within traditional territories and endeavours to build long- term impactful relationships. Our company has proudly partnered with several Indigenous communities throughout BC to cultivate relationships, share information, and build capacity.
We foster relationships with Indigenous Peoples and communities based on transparency, honesty, and integrity. We pursue sustainable and valuable ways to contribute to the well-being of the communities in proximity to our project areas.

Our responsibility is evident through:
- respectful and meaningful relationships with Indigenous Peoples and communities.
- a proactive and transparent approach to all work and operations.
- partnering with Indigenous communities and businesses to share knowledge and build capacity.
- providing employment, education, and training for members and youth.
- providing business opportunities for services and suppliers.
- working in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples to seek mutually beneficial ways to enhance social and economic well-being.
- striving to increase our understanding of Indigenous cultures and traditions by participating and/or sponsoring community events and cultural retention initiatives.
- fostering a diverse, inclusive, and respective workplace.
We are committed to:
- community engagement, shared knowledge, and ongoing learnings.
- upholding the standards of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business.
- having dedicated resources to support proactive Indigenous relationships.
- employment, training, and supply chain opportunities on every project.
- community involvement, investment, and sponsorship.
- the adage of “Nothing about you, without you”.
- involvement begins with open dialogue and can make a tangible impact.
The United Nations launched its sustainable development agenda in 2015, reflecting the growing understanding that the best path forward for future generations was to create a development model that is sustainable for reducing poverty and improving the lives of people everywhere. There is a call to action on a collection of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for all countries.
DENT recognizes that our Projects involve Indigenous rights. We honour the traditions, knowledge, and values of Indigenous people. We want to be a driving force behind SDGs as we realize the impacts behind environmental and social challenges limiting growth and impacting communities. By integrating SDGs into our work, we are recognizing tomorrow’s opportunities by acting today.
All Canadians must understand the history and the truth of this land and begin the process of reconciliation.
For us to prosper in this time and beyond, we must establish a new and respectful relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. All Canadians must understand the history and the truth of our history and begin the process to recon- ciliation. To create a more equitable society, we must start by closing the social, political, and economic gaps Indigenous peoples face.

DENT fully supports the revitalization of Indigenous education and teachings, and the preservation of the diverse landscape of Indigenous cultures.
In 2015, The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada published the Calls to Action. Number 92 calls upon the corporate sector in Canada to adopt the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a reconciliation framework and to apply its principles, norms, and standards to corporate policy and core operational activities involving Indigenous peoples and their lands and resources.
DENT has answered the call and acknowledges the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as an international human rights framework that recognizes and protects the unique and collective rights of Indigenous peoples.
The tactics outlined in Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action framework are rooted in DENTs Indigenous Collaboration Policy. DENT intends to advance these tactics through meaningful engagement and participation (employment, training, business opportunities, community investment). Utilizing a collective method, DENT will approach each project with a unique plan that integrates values, culture, diversity, and innovation. This model intends to provide a roadmap and represent our shared journey to Reconciliation.
Bobbi Cross Safety Coordinator
Bobbi is a proud member of the HAISLA NATION in Kitimat, BC. In 2018, she began her career with DENT as a local hire for the LNGC project in Kitimat when she was brought on as an HSE Administrator. The role evolved as more safety-focused tasks and functions were presented to her, and she has since become a highly valued member of DENT’s Safety Team supporting Projects throughout BC.
We acknowledge that our work takes place in proximity to many Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island. We respect the land and honor the past and the traditional customs. With this, we thank those Indigenous people who still live on and care for these lands. Our head office in Hope, BC is located on the unceded and traditional territory of the Stólō and Coast Salish people of the Tiyt [teet] Tribe. Our Kelowna location is on the land of the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan people.